
Solar technology on water, on land and in the air


Development of solar farms in larger open spaces and on converted sites

Floating PV

Breaking new ground together: Improve water quality with solar power

C&I Roof Solutions

Customized solutions for trade and industry - Generate green power, secure supply and achieve ESG targets

Combined Generation

Combined. Integrated: From peak production to green baseload

What others say about us


"Through close cooperation in project development and competence in realization, re.venture as a project development partner contributed significantly to the project success of our first solar park in France."

COO Goldbeck Solar

„Dank kompetenter und effizienter Zusammenarbeit mit unserem Partners re.venture konnten wir eine kurze Bauzeit in gewohnter GOLDBECK Qualität realisieren. Langjährige Erfahrung, hochwertiges Engineering, Termintreue und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit schätzen wir sehr.“